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Common Mistakes People Make When Selling Their Homes

Picture of Ben Naumann
Ben Naumann
Ben Naumann has been a well known figure in the real estate investing space in Houston TX for years

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When it comes to selling your home, time is money. The faster you can sell, the more money you’ll make. Unfortunately, many people make common mistakes that can delay the sale or even cause it to fall through completely. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the most common mistakes people make when selling their homes.

Not pricing their home correctly.

You can’t sell your home for a too high or too low price. If you set the price too high, potential buyers might not be able to afford it and walk away from the deal. If you set it too low, you won’t get as much money when the house is sold. To make sure that your home will sell quickly, price it correctly from the start.

Not preparing their home for sale.

Your home needs to be in tip-top shape before putting it on the market. This means repairing any damage, fixing any broken appliances, and giving it a good deep cleaning. If potential buyers see that your home is in disrepair, they’ll be less likely to make an offer.

Not staging their home correctly.

Staging is one of the most critical aspects of selling your home. You need to make sure that your home is appealing to potential buyers, and this means arranging furniture in a way that’s pleasing to the eye and makes rooms look larger. It’s also important to declutter and remove personal items from the home.

Not having updated paperwork or disclosures ready to go.

Many people make the mistake of not having their updated paperwork or disclosures ready to go when they start to sell their homes. This can delay the sale or even cause it to fall through. Be sure to have all of your paperwork updated and ready to go before you start to show your home. This includes your title report, disclosure statement, and other relevant documents.

Not hiring a real estate agent.

Selling your home without the help of a real estate agent is possible, but it’s not advisable. Real estate agents have the experience and knowledge to help you sell your home quickly and for the best price possible. They can also help you navigate the often-complex process of selling a home.

Not marketing their home correctly.

If you’re not using the proper marketing techniques, potential buyers might not even know that your home is for sale. Be sure to list your home in online real estate listings, and use signs and flyers for marketing your home in your neighborhood.

Not negotiating with buyers.

Once you receive an offer on your home, it’s essential to negotiate with the buyer. If you’re not happy with their initial offer, try to come to an agreement that’s beneficial for both parties.

Remember that the goal is to sell your home quickly, so don’t be afraid to compromise.

Not having a backup plan in place in case their home doesn’t sell

Many people make the mistake of not having a backup plan in place if their home doesn’t sell. This can be a costly mistake, as you’ll end up paying mortgage payments on two homes. If your home doesn’t sell within a reasonable amount of time, be sure to consider other options, such as renting out your home or relocating.

Failing to understand the selling process

Be sure to educate yourself on the selling process before listing your home. The selling process can be complicated, and there are a lot of steps involved. If you don’t understand the process, you could make mistakes that will delay your sale or cause it to fall through.

Not following up with buyers after the sale.

Once your home is sold, it’s essential to follow up with the buyers to ensure that everything went smoothly. This helps ensure that there are no problems with the sale and that the buyers are happy with their purchase. If you don’t follow up, you could risk losing your deposit or even being sued.

Not getting a home inspection.

Before you finalize the sale of your home, it’s vital to get a home inspection. This will ensure no hidden problems with the house that could cause issues down the road. The last thing you want is for the sale of your home to fall through because of an unforeseen problem.

Not understanding the contract.

You’ll be asked to sign a contract when you’re selling your home. It’s crucial that you understand everything in the contract before you sign it. If there’s something you don’t understand, be sure to ask your real estate agent or lawyer for clarification.

Not being patient

Selling your home can be a long and stressful process. It’s essential to be patient and not get too discouraged if things don’t happen as quickly as possible. Remember that the goal is to sell your home, so everything else will fall into place as long as you stay focused on that.

Not working with a reputable and experienced real estate agent.

When selling your home, it’s essential to work with a reputable and experienced real estate agent. Real estate agents have the experience and knowledge to help you sell your home quickly and for the best price possible. They can also help you navigate the often-complex process of selling a home.

If you’re not working with a reputable and experienced real estate agent, you could make costly mistakes that will delay your sale or cause it to fall through. Be sure to ask for recommendations from friends and family and research potential agents before listing your home.


If you’re looking to sell your home quickly and for the best price possible, it’s essential to avoid making common mistakes. Be sure to list your home in online real estate listings, use signs and flyers to market your home in your neighborhood, and negotiate with buyers. Additionally, get a home inspection and understand the contract before you finalize the sale. Finally, be patient and work with a reputable real estate agent to sell your home quickly and without any problems.

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